


Salvic Management is responsible for ensuring that the HSSE policy is understood and implemented by staff at all levels in the organization. This is achieved through the company’s induction process, regular awareness, competence training, audits and inspections and Management reviews.

The Integrated HSSE management system provides the framework, tools and direction to manage and operate our assets in a manner that protects the health and safety of employees, contractors, host and neighbouring communities, customers, partners and the environment. It also keeps the company in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Similarly, it sets the framework for our Asset Integrity-Process Safety Management (AIPSM), which establishes the elements to ensure proper design, safe operations, emergency response preparedness, safety of employees and contractors as well as a structured audit program.

The implementation process involves making provisions to deliver exemplary HSSE performance throughout the business lifecycle, from acquisition of new licenses and acreage, through to exploration and production, and ultimately to decommissioning. It is structured around the ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act’ (PDCA) process with a feedback loop to facilitate continual improvement in performance.