About Us

About Us

We are positioned to adapt to the changing global energy landscape

About Us

Founded in 2015, Salvic is a value and performance focused Exploration and Production (E&P) company in Nigeria’s Oil and Gas industry.  Underpinned by a unique business model, we have strategically differentiated ourselves as an E&P company with a strong execution ability, focused on providing innovative energy solutions and delivering superior economic return to our various stakeholders.

Salvic’s unique business model hinges on the provision of superior Technical Services Advisory, Execution and Funding Partnerships – from projects concept to commercial delivery, along the entire oil and gas value chain. Our commitment is to be a low-cost operator, focusing on operational efficiency, cost efficiency and delivering superior financial return.

Our competitive advantage rests largely on our assemblage of highly experienced professionals who are empowered and motivated by execution excellence and the ability to handle challenging and complex E&P projects.

We align our business interests with communities’ interests wherever we operate, resulting in effective security management within the operating environment.

In 2017, we successfully proved our capability and created a track record of superior performance through our maiden project as Technical Services Provider to the Operator of Oil Mining Lease (OML) 30 in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. We are geared towards strengthening our portfolio of projects, while expanding our footprint across the oil and gas value chain.

Our Vision & Mission

Vision To be a world-class integrated energy company providing innovative energy solutions.

Mission:  Pioneering energy solutions driven by diversified teams through innovation for best value.

Core Values

Solutions Ac​countability Leadership Value Integrity Collaboration


Corporate Strategy

Fundamentally, we see core Exploration & Production (E&P) becoming a margin business, necessitating that industry players adapt to the new economic reality and adopt a more innovative mindset…


OML30 Uptime

Thousand Barrels pd on OML30

Million OML30 LTI Free Man-hours

OML30 Host Communities